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RCN - How to change Wifi Password?


You might always hear nowadays, do you have a WiFi? Or what’s your WiFi password?

We are now at the mercy of a WiFi connection! Kidding aside, the WiFi is now is widely used around the world. You could check your emails, listen to cool music, surf, stream on Youtube, do some gaming, and be up to date with all your social media accounts anywhere everywhere at any time with a WiFi.

WiFi was invented and first came out in 1997. It hit its peak between the years 2000 to 2005 with more than 100 million internet-connected devices was sold each year.

Today, the world cannot go by without WiFi.

It was called 802.11 when it was created. This lead to the creation of IEEE802. 11, which refers to a set of standards that define communication for wireless local area networks or WLANs for short. In 2014, the 802.11 standards were updated to 802.11ac, which provided better wireless speed and coverage to help support changing WiFi needs.

RCN WiFi would give your home a pleasurable connectivity experience whether you surf, stream, work, learn, or game with high-speed internet service.

You could also avail of RCN’s eero Secure+ Home WiFi Security to get the best home WiFi security features and tools in one mobile app to keep your personal information and devices safe at all times.

It would cover all your devices with VPN protection so you and your family could browse privately and securely with VPN protection, includes a password manager to safely create, store and share passwords, and malware protection to scan, clean and protect your computer and devices from viruses and malware.

What is WiFi?

WiFi is a wireless networking technology that allows your devices such as computers like laptops and desktops, mobile devices, and other equipment printers and video cameras to interconnect with the Internet. It allows all these devices to exchange information with one another thus creating a network.

You get Internet connectivity through a wireless router. When you access Wi-Fi, you are connecting to a wireless router that allows your Wi-Fi-compatible devices to interconnect with the Internet.

How does WiFi work?

A wireless network uses radio waves like mobile phones, televisions, and radios.  A computer's wireless adapter translates data into a radio signal and transmits it using an antenna. It’s the wireless router that receives the signal and decodes it.

Here are the top factors that will impact the speed of your WiFi.

Some factors might interfere with the strong signal of your WiFi. To avoid these:

  • Be sure that your modem and router are in an open space, not on the floor, in a room where the Internet is frequently accessed.
  • Avoid putting your router behind walls, doors, steel, furniture, and appliances that could all block or reduce your Wi-Fi signal.
  • Don’t hide your router in a cabinet.
  • The number of devices using your Wi-Fi connection at one time may slow you down so you need to turn off those devices not being used. Most wireless routers tend to slow down to the speed of your slowest device.
  • Regularly run virus scans and keep your devices clean always.
  • Check all your gadgets conditions regularly to make sure they are in tip-top states.
  • Always use a password for your Wi-Fi connection as it would prevent others from using your Wi-Fi without you knowing that would cause your connectivity to slow down.

How to change your RCN WiFi password?

The RCN-supplied modem or router is usually a Linksys model. RCN would provide you the instructions for updating the router’s settings.

If you ‘ll use your modem, you would find it in its instruction manual. While the steps usually follow a similar pattern, the starting point often differs.

Some modems use a web interface while others while Linksys, recommend using the Cisco Connect software to simplify setup and management.

If you have a Linksys router, this is what you need to do.

  • Install the Cisco Connect software provided with your RCN modem or router.
  • Open the Cisco Connect.
  • Click “change” underneath Router Settings.
  • Next, click “change” in the Personalize section.
  • A warning appears on the screen. Accept it to continue onward.
  • Enter the new router name (SSID) and password.
  • Click “change” to save the new settings.
  • Update devices with the new router name and password.

You could also use the browser interface. It comes with advanced features not available in Cisco Connect. You also can use the interface to make simple changes, but the Linksys manual warns that using it might interfere with running Cisco Connect later on.

To use the web interface, follow these seven simple steps.

  • Open a web browser.
  • Input
  • If the numerical address doesn’t go anywhere you could then try myrouter.local.
  • You would be asked to enter a username and password. If you didn’t change these when first using Cisco Connect, the username and password are “admin.”
  • The main menu opens. Once here, you can change the username, password, and other settings, including guest networks and security protocols.
  • Save any changes you make and close out the browser.
  • If you change the username and password, update your wireless devices with the new information.

After Thoughts

Security is your number one measure to ensure that your WiFi would maintain its fast speed and not to be congested.

Every time you get a router, there’s usually a password at its back label. You could use its provided password but it’s better to change it to your password of your choosing.

This would enhance the security of your WiFi connection. You’ll be ensured that there would be no unwanted users of your WiF that would make it serve you with the best speed possible without any interruption or slowing down.

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