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Research >> SoftwareManagementTools >> RCN Review, Features, and Alternatives >> Can I get RCN in my Building?
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Can I get RCN in my Building?


RCN offers broadband internet powered through cable, fiber or copper wire, TV, and phone services. RCN serves customers in Boston, New York, Eastern Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and Chicago areas.

It’s known for its fast speeds, reasonably low prices, and great 24/7 customer care and service.

How to get RCN in your building if you’re the owner?

RCN provided buildings would be wired with 1 gig 1,000Mbps capability. As of 2015, there were 13.4 billion devices connected to the internet. That number is expected to reach 25 billion in just two years.

Improving network speed is just one reason why landlords and property owners should get on the Gotta Getta Gig bandwagon for their buildings and complex.

Aside from blazingly fast speeds, RCN is also offering to conduct a complimentary survey at no cost to owners, to determine if their buildings qualify for 1 GIG service. Taking advantage of this service not only would ensure that your building would be equipped with a reliable and stable internet connection. To achieve 1 gig speeds, the following minimums are necessary:

  • OS Vista
  • MacOSX
  • Processor Intel i5X
  • 2.5 GHz Intel i5x
  • RAM 8GB+
  • 8GB+
  • Hard Drive SSD
  • SSD
  • NIC 1000 Base T
  • 1000 Base T

To be updated and competitive with connectivity RCN would help landlords and building owners with this opportunity to get their buildings wired with RCN. To set up your appointment today, call the @RCN Access Department at 718-577-3890.

RCN offers these bulk services for building owners. Get in touch with them here.

How do I get RCN service if I live in a building unit?

If you reside in a rental unit and there is not preexisting service, the landlord must have an authorization for RCN to wire the building for your cable and internet access.

If you live in a condominium, it’s the association that typically negotiates an agreement with RCN to deliver the internet and cable service to the residents. You’ll need the board's or the president's or depending who’s authorized to do so. If your board has signed an exclusionary contract with another vendor and not with RCN, your only real solution will be to move to another location.

Condo associations any location usually negotiate a building-wide exclusive contract with RCN for which the unit owners receive a substantial discount on their monthly service charge and whether or not a unit owner wants the cable service or not since they would still pay for it. It's a perk that’s inclusive that’s to the benefit of the unit owners.

If you live in a building, to be able for RCN to run wires through or on the building, they'd need the building owner's permission, not just yours.

After Thoughts

RCN would want to be able to serve you anywhere within their service areas whether you own a building, live in a building, condo, or a multi-dwelling complex.

They would want to have all their users experience the best service for their cable, internet, and phone service right into the comfort of their homes.

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