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What does ClickMeter Do?


ClickMeter is one of the popular software platforms that makes you capable of just using a centralized database for all your marketing links. It’s fast at gathering all the information you need which makes it very efficient.

Easy to read and interpret the information since all metrics are displayed in an intuitive format. This could greatly help to increase the conversion rates and to hone and enhance an existing marketing campaign.

What exactly does Clickmeter do best?

It’s a web-based link and affiliate tracking tool that would help medium-sized to large-sized businesses create weblink and to be able to route their visitors to the landing page while monitoring conversion rates and preventing anomalous and malicious clicks.

ClickMeter is capable to provide you the clarity and insights on all the aspects of your marketing campaigns that would help you plan, set more goals, and target, and to come up with more sustainable solutions and results that equate to more monetization on your end.

You will get yo see all your visitor views, inbound clicks, and client conversions displayed on the right-hand side of a central directory. Other necessary details such as the demographic that responds best to a specific campaign are also highlighted. There is a regularly updated handy color-coded graphical display that would allow you to quickly interpret them and other metrics. You can share data if you have stakeholders.

You can see all real-time reports displayed including broken links, any blacklisted pages, and the latency period of your website. Hence, you could make the necessary changes at once.

Why should you get ClickMeter?

It’s easy to set-up and to use- It doesn’t let you go around the bush and in circles. It’s a fast solution and marketing tool that needs no codes or in-depth technical knowledge required in setting up and operating the platform.

This would make it easier for anyone to monitor and understand their marketing efforts.

Campaign monitoring- Agencies, advertisers, affiliates, and publishers could all monitor their campaigns and see how well they are performing as compared to others.  It would be great in identifying which of their efforts are paying off and which ones are needed to be pushed or boosted more. This would make you focus on your effective marketing campaigns.

Anti-Click Fraud- Get the protection you need against advertising malpractices that drains advertisers of their revenue. To ensure that your campaigns are safe, ClickMeter would deploy certain measures that ensure only legal clicks are recorded and monetized.

Get real-time results sharing- Be updated with your most updated results, statistics, and information. ClickMeter would give you real-time data that you can share instantly through your private or public modes.

Have an integrated solution- You can integrate ClickMeter to your other pre-existing systems from the smooth sharing and transfer of information from one solution to the other.

After Thoughts

Have a conversion tracking tool and everything would work faster and precise in your tracking and optimizing your campaigns.

ClickMeter would help you be in control and on top of your game especially if you’re serious as a marketer and want positive results from all your online marketing campaigns.

If you mean good business then you need ClickMeter your complete tool in your internet-related businesses or internet marketing that is growth-driven, goal-oriented, result-oriented, and very passionate in helping to make all your campaigns succeed.

They could make it real for you!

You can learn more at the ClickMeter website.

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